Follow minimum 10 Requirements before applying Google Adsense for Blog Website 

Follow minimum 10 Requirements before applying Google Adsense for Blog Website 
Follow minimum of 10 Requirements before applying Google Adsense for Blog Website

Follow minimum of 10 requirements before applying Google Adsense for blog website. If you want to use Google Adsense to your blog website. You must follow below rules then your Adsense can approve. Otherwise, your AdSense doesn’t approve google AdSense approval team. So you should need to maintain a minimum of 10 rules to your website.

Google Adsense very good way of earning money to your blog website. So you should need 10 rules that I did give a blow.

Just follow a few Below rules:

  1. Your domain must be the first level purchased the domain.
  2. Your domain age must be at least 6 months.
  3. Your website should have a good visitor. At least 100-500 per day.
  4. Must publish the unique article.
  5. Don’t Copy Post from Other Websites.
  6. Don’t Use Copyright images
  7. The article should be related to your blog’s niche.
  8. Every article should be at least 600 minimum words and maximum unlimited.
  9. Must do SEO regularly.
  10. Must publish at least 1/2 articles per day.

I hope if you follow those rules properly, Your website must be approved google Adsense. if you have any question let me know in the comment box. I will try to help you. Have a great day!


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